A report in Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise v11.1.1 returned “No data found.” for all elements in the report when viewed by guests and administrative users. The report used several data sources and only worked for the sysman user. The problem data source turned out to be the default data source, EMREPOS, which stores all of the Oracle Enterprise Manager data and for this installation is also the BI Publisher repository. EMREPOS is a hidden data source and users cannot be granted access to it.
The solution is to create a separate data source that points to the EMREPOS database and grant users access to the new data source. To add a data source, go to Administration and choose JDBC Connection from the Data Sources section of the page.
The root cause of the problem was found by examining the bipublisher.log which is located in gc_inst/user_projects/domains/GCDomain/servers/BIP/logs/bipublisher. The error text “[APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] There is no connection set.” indicates that the connection for the data set is not available.
The lesson to learn: Relying on the Default Data Source is a bad idea.
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